Frequently Asked Questions

We offer free claims consultations to help individuals and families understand their options and the current state of their claim. Simply leave your contact details below and one of our experienced professionals will reach out to schedule a consultation. During this consultation, we will work with you to understand your goals and the challenges you are facing with your claim. From there, we will handle the heavy lifting and manage all aspects of your claim, while keeping you informed and engaged as the key decision-maker.

We understand that financial considerations can be a significant concern during the insurance claims process. That’s why we strive to be transparent and fair in our pricing. Upon reviewing your claim, we will work with you to agree on a fee structure that fits your needs and budget. In many cases, we are able to offer a no-win, no-fee structure, giving you peace of mind and the assurance that our services are accessible and affordable.

We can act on your behalf by establishing an authority to act with the insurer. This will remove the burden that comes with managing the claim, while you remain in control of all decisions, including accepting offers. 

Yes, we can manage the full AFCA complaints process on your behalf. AFCA provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution. Submitting an AFCA complaint can be a great strategy to help achieve a fair outcome on your claim. We have the experience and expertise to draft a submission and highlight the required evidence to increase your chances of a favourable outcome.

No, if you need specific financial or legal advice, you should seek the advice of a legal professional or another qualified expert before making any final decisions.

While we cannot provide a specific figure, we can guarantee that our team will work tirelessly to maximise your settlement amount. Our commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients is unwavering, and we use our expertise and resources to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. With our team by your side, you can be confident that you are in capable hands.

At the outset of our relationship with any potential new client, we offer a free consultation which creates a foundation of trust and open communication. This consultation is an opportunity for you to speak with us directly and gain an understanding of our services and approach before any financial or legal obligations are incurred. In most cases, we can also offer a no-win, no-fee option meaning if we don’t achieve a better outcome for you, you won’t be out of pocket.

We place a high priority on maximising your settlement amount and use various strategies to achieve this goal in the shortest possible time. There may be situations where claims take a little longer, such as when we need to go through the AFCA process. We will always keep you up-to-date with the progress and the actions we’re taking to move your claim towards resolution. Our team is committed to providing you with the support and guidance necessary to achieve the best possible outcome, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that your needs are met throughout the claims process.

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