As we’re all too aware, the elemental force of a storm can leave a trail of destruction in its wake. With damaging winds, torrential rains, and hail, storm-related damage in Australia can be a frequent occurrence. Navigating the storm damage claim process might seem daunting, but armed with the right knowledge and preparedness, you can streamline this task. This comprehensive guide is here to equip you with essential strategies, from preventative measures for storm-proofing your property, to understanding common pitfalls in storm insurance claims. 

Proactive Measures: Storm-Proofing Your Property 

To reduce potential damage from storms, it’s essential to make your property as resilient as possible. Here are some effective measures to consider: 

  1. Commit to Regular Maintenance: Conduct consistent inspections to identify possible vulnerabilities such as unsteady roof tiles, decayed trees, or blocked gutters. Periodic maintenance can considerably diminish the possibility of storm damage. 
  1. Safeguard Loose Objects: Items that could be carried away in a storm, including outdoor furniture, tools, or toys, should be secured or safely stored. 
  1. Maintain Trees Around Your Property: Regular pruning can curtail the risk of falling branches, safeguarding both your property and its inhabitants. 
  1. Check your roof: Check the condition of the roof regularly and repair loose tiles, eaves, screws and cracked or broken guttering or flashing. 
  1. Elevate Your Property: If practical, raising your property, or at least your electrical units, can protect against flood damage. 

By adopting these proactive steps, you’re not only fortifying your home against storm damage but also potentially expediting any future claims process. 

Navigating the Aftermath: Preparing Your Insurance Claim 

After the storm subsides, ensuring your safety and then preparing your insurance claim becomes paramount. Here’s a systematic approach to optimise your claim: 

  1. Safety First: Always prioritise your safety. Stay vigilant of potential hazards such as shattered glass, downed power lines, and compromised structures. 
  1. Document the Impact: Meticulously capture all visible damage through photographs or videos. This comprehensive visual evidence will be invaluable when filing your claim or if a dispute arises. 
  1. Inventory Damaged Items: Compile a detailed list of all damaged items with their approximate value. Furnish as much information as possible, like brand, model, and purchase date. If available, original receipts or warranties can further bolster your claim. All items should be photographed. 
  1. Touch Base with Your Insurance Provider: Notify your insurer about the damage promptly. They can provide assistance in making the property safe and provide guidance on the next steps and tell you of any specific claim requirements. 
  1. Mitigate Further Damage: Safely perform measures to avert additional damage, like boarding up broken windows or draining accumulated water. However, remember to seek your insurer’s assistance and/or approval for these temporary repairs where feasible. 
  1. Maintain Communication Records: Retain all communication with your insurer, including calls, emails, and letters. This record can be crucial if any disputes arise. We recommend having a claim diary, where all relevant interactions are recorded. 
  1. Preserve Receipts: Keep all receipts related to immediate repairs, replacements, or alternate accommodations. These expenses might be covered under your policy. 
  1. Consider Professional Assistance: If the damage is extensive or if the claim process seems overwhelming, contemplate hiring a professional claims advisor. Their expertise can help alleviate the stress of the claims process and ensure you maximise the allowances under your policy. 

Common Traps of Storm Insurance Claims 

Navigating the insurance claims process post-storm can be a tricky endeavour. It’s easy to fall into common traps that might lead to a claim denial or insufficient coverage. Here are some to be aware of: 

  1. Not Understanding Your Policy: Policies can be complex, laden with industry-specific jargon that might confuse the average policyholder. Ensure you fully understand what your policy covers, including any exclusions, limitations, or conditions. 
  1. Insufficient Documentation: If you fail to document the damage sufficiently, this could delay your claim or result in it being undervalued. Make sure you have detailed photos, videos, and an inventory of damaged goods. 
  1. Late Reporting: Insurers usually require immediate notification about any property damage. Delays in reporting could lead to your claim being declined. 
  1. Unauthorised Repairs: Conducting repairs before getting approval from your insurer can be a mistake. While it’s necessary to prevent further damage, any significant work should be approved by the insurer first. 
  1. Underinsurance: This is a common pitfall, where the cost to repair or replace your home and its contents exceeds your coverage amount. Regularly review and update your policy to avoid this. This is particularly important noting the current inflation, with building costs increasing significantly. 
  1. Neglected Maintenance and Wear and Tear: It’s a common misconception that all types of damage are covered by your insurance policy. Unfortunately, damage resulting from neglect or general wear and tear, including issues stemming from poor quality roofing, often falls outside the scope of coverage. It’s vital to note though, if your claim gets declined on grounds of maintenance, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion. Decisions based on maintenance issues can sometimes be successfully disputed and overturned. Your insurance should be there to protect you from unexpected damage, not penalise you for routine property ageing. 

Navigating the pitfalls of storm damage claims can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to Claims Hero, your dedicated ally in the challenging aftermath of a storm. As experts in managing storm claims, we bring proficiency and precision to your unique situation. 

From ensuring your claim gets the acceptance it deserves, to overseeing the successful completion of repairs, and to maximising your payout – we’re committed to securing the best outcome for you.